Dear Readers in Christ, "Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8).

Thursday 28 March 2013

An Evening Digest - How to Find Your Purpose in Life With God

Article Written By Rhonda D. Jones

When Christians talk about finding their purpose, it's usually related to a destination or circumstance to reach. For example my purpose is to become a teacher, my purpose is to own my own business, my purpose is to become a minister, etc. However, I don't believe that the following examples constitute our purpose, instead, these are callings and we may have many callings over our lifetime. Depending upon the season in your life, you may fulfill many different roles. You may be called to be a mother in your 30s, a world traveler in your 40's, and caregiver to aging parents in your 50's. These are things that you do or accomplish over your lifetime.
Unfortunately, we spend a lot of time trying to discover why we were put on this earth. We may read books or attend seminars that help us to find our true purpose. We believe that once we know our purpose we will become complete and fulfilled. But the problem with this type of thinking is that we're still looking for a future outcome to make us happy. It's really no different than seeking after happiness through relationships, money, material things, or any other tangible endeavor. The only difference is that seeking after our purpose appears to be a noble cause.
Now I'm not saying we don't have a purpose in God, we all do. It's just not what most of us think it is. The reality is that we don't have to discover our purpose because we already possess it.
Our purpose is simple, it is to be a reflection of God's love in everything we do, so that we can draw others to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When the disciples asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength. And the second is similar to it, to love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments fulfill the entire essence of God and his message to us. Our purpose embraces loving God by abiding with Him and becoming one with Him in spirit in truth. After that, we are to express God's love in us to others by being a reflection of the kingdom of God.
Therefore, you can start fulfilling God's purpose in your life right now, this very moment. You don't have to become something other than what you already are. Isn't that exciting? If you are a cook and you fulfill your duties loving God and loving those around you, you are fulfilling your purpose. If you are a coach and you perform your coaching duties exalting the name of Jesus in your actions, conversation, and attitude, then you are fulfilling God's purpose. If you are a secretary and the love of God is reflected in your phone conversation and greeting the public, then you are fulfilling God's purpose.
Anytime God's love flows through you to others, you are reflecting the love of God in your life. Anytime you can help a believer or non believer grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, you are doing the will of God in your life. And the great part is that you can start today.
But let me go back to the scriptures I mentioned earlier. Do you see that the first commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength? Before you can show God's love to others, it must be overflowing in your life. So the first step to walking in your purpose is to fall deeply in love with God. How? Through learning to abide in Christ, by reading and meditating on his word,by spending time with him in silence and solitude, by desiring it more than anything else in your life.

When that begins to happen in your life, it can't help but spill over into the lives of others and you won't have to look for a purpose, you will just get into alignment with the purpose you already have. You will wake up each day with God's love, joy, and peace abiding in your heart and you will look for opportunities to share that love and be a blessing in the lives of others.

So if you really want to fulfill your purpose, fall in love with God.
Every day this week, write a love letter to God. Use your journal or notebook and spend 20-30 minutes telling God how much you love Him and how much you want to get to know Him. Tell Him how much you desire Him to become real in your life. Tell Him how you want to fulfill your purpose to love him and be a blessing to others.



The Lord had to give John a clear vision about Himself before giving him a revelation of the many eternal abodes and the future bliss. (Revelation 1:14-17)
“His head… white like wool, as white as snow.” ’Head’ speaks of our thought-realm, mind or spirit. Isaiah 1:18 speaks of “snow” and “wool” as implying extreme purity. Indeed God is extremely pure in His mind and wants us to have the same purity.
“And His eyes were as a flame of fire.” ‘Eyes’ denote spiritual vision. As far as God is concerned, all things are clear to Him. But where we are concerned, if our vision is to be bright like the flames of fire, our thoughts should be pure and spotless.
“His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace.” ’Feet’ reflects our walk of life. If we are careful about our ‘head’, our ‘feet’ too will have its steps ordered aright. ‘Burned in a furnace’ speaks of having come through the fire. Some perish in their trials because they failed to keep their lives clean. Fiery trials will not destroy those who are careful to keep their lives holy. Fiery trials can only serve to brighten their ‘feet’ to a brilliant glow.
“And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead.” No one can see God and live. When we receive a revelation about our God, we die to our ‘old man’ of self, pride, etc.
“And He laid His right hand upon me.” The right hand of God speaks of many things, but here it speaks precisely about the plan of God. When we are dead to our self, we are given a revelation about the plan of God for our lives.
Let us seek a clear vision of the invisible God – His extreme purity, so that we can fall at His feet and die. The best place to die is, of course, at His feet!
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Wednesday 27 March 2013

An Evening Digest - What Submission Is and Isn't ?

Christian Marriage Help - By Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help? Are you wanting to know what submission is and isn't? Then, this article will answer your questions. Ephesians 5:22-24 says, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord" (NIV). Sounds simple, but what does that really mean in a marriage?
Some interpret submission rigidly to say it is without exception. They say a woman has to obey without reservations and trust that God will cover her, lead her husband to make right decisions, and prevent her from being asked to do wrong. She should take all her appeals and concerns to God who will work through her husband rather than to her husband directly. Others say submission keeps a woman protected by her husband's covering and not submitting leaves her vulnerable to Satan's attacks.
Those teachings leave a woman unprotected from a husband who isn't taking care of her or loving her. In Ephesians 5:28-29, husbands are told to love their wives as they love and care for themselves. Men who don't know how to love themselves or their wives make decisions that are sometimes harmful to their wives, themselves, and their families. God can intervene to cover a woman and her children from the fallout of bad decisions by her husband, but he doesn't have to and he doesn't always do it. God expects us to live proactively and to do what is right. Passivity can be dangerous.
Scripture gives an exemption for submitting to authority. In Acts 5:29, Peter and the apostles defied the authorities when they were told to stop preaching saying, "We must obey God rather than men" (NIV). When doing wrong is involved, women can refuse to submit to any authority, including their husbands.
Submission is not a rigid edict to keep a woman from living her own life, making her own choices, or having boundaries. She is still a steward of her own life and talents and is expected to use them and will even answer for how she did to the Lord. A woman has the right and freedom to be a person and to express her desires and to say yes or no to what she is asked to do based on her conscious. She has a responsibility to protect her family, including her children. The Proverbs 31 woman was a strong, independent, and competent woman with responsibility and character.
Healthy marriages have a balanced partnership that includes taking the wants and needs of both people into consideration to reach an agreement with decisions. This is where submission comes in. When there is an impasse, someone has to decide. If a man is the primary leader with the responsibility to care for his family, then a woman can choose to submit to his leadership. She will have no problem trusting his decisions, if he loves her, loves himself, and loves his family.
This Christian relationship help has explained what submission is and isn't. To sum it up: submission is a choice that must be made with wisdom and discernment.

Article source from :


“The Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts” (Isa 19:4).
This is a very frightening verse, but it is very true. One interpretation for ‘the Egyptian’ is, backslider. If you are a backslider in heart the Lord will hand you over to a ‘cruel lord’. The cruel lord can be Antichrist. A backslider will be left behind at the Coming of the Lord and the cruel lord, the Antichrist, will rule over him. Also, if you are a backslider in heart, then those who are above you, your boss, your parents, or the servants of God, may always appear to be cruel lords or a fierce kings ruling over you.
What is the remedy for this? Repent and renounce any backsliding spirit you may have in you. If you are a hardened person, then those who are above you also will appear just as hard as you are or even worse.
If you are a merciless person, then those who are around you or over you also may appear to be cruel to you. If you are unforgiving, then your God also may appear to be like that to you.
In other words, what you see in the people around you is the reflection of your own character. When you are softhearted, forgiving, loving and caring, you will find everyone around you having the same character.
 – Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Tuesday 26 March 2013

An Evening Digest - 5 tips to Enjoy that Intimate Relationship with JESUS CHRIST!

Article written  By: Matthew Robert Payne 
Many people that are saved would like to have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ. Many hear of people seeing Jesus in visions, going to heaven and meeting God, people doing healing and all sorts of signs and they want this sort of life for themselves. In this article I am going to discuss 5 tips that will get you to the place that will bring great rewards.

Tip 1 - Faith in God
There is a verse that says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God." The difference between a nominal Christian and one that walks in the supernatural all the time comes down to the amount of faith a person has. I read a book once on faith and out of twelve authors that contributed; the first four said that the number one contributing factor to their strong faith was the trials that they had been through. They said that in the midst of trials they developed strong faith and the more trials that they experienced the stronger their faith grew. I think that is a very interesting thing as we live in a world of Christianity that says that you are blessed when you are trial free, but the opposite seems to be true. James says we should rejoice with trials in our life.

So is it possible to develop strong faith without a lot of trials. I guess that it is possible; however the short cut is going through hard times and enduring them with your faith in God. Not everyone that endures trials has a strong faith, but many who have a strong faith have exercised their faith in the trials they have been through.

Peter had faith when he stepped onto the water that day. Peter had a trial when he denied Jesus three times after Jesus prophesied that he would. Jesus said that Satan had wanted to sift him and that he would endure. We hear a lot about Peter denying Jesus three times and a lot less about how Peter's shadow healed people. Peter used to go on a daily walk each day when he was free and take the same route and people used to bring their sick out to the road and line them up and Peter would merely walk past them. That sort of thing doesn't happen much today, that was where Peter's faith was by the time he was an apostle.
Faith is an integral part of healing, doing signs and wonders and walking in the supernatural. Many people mock me when I say that I walk with saints from heaven on earth, their faith does not allow them to think that was possible for me. Instead they think that I am being deceived by familiar spirits. That is sad for them and still hurts me in a way that they mock me.
You have to know that all things are possible for those that believe. Because when you really do believe that all things are possible you suddenly start to walk in the impossible.
Tip 2 - Knowledge of the Word
One day in the year 2000 as I read the New Testament and found that Paul's writings were really annoying me as they were hard to understand, I heard Jesus tell me that I should start to read the Gospels only and that I should ask myself a few questions as I read it.
I was to ask what Jesus was feeling like in this situation. I was to ask what Jesus meant when he said that And I was to ask why did Jesus do or say that.
Jesus said I was to only read the Gospels and I was to stop reading them when He told me. This went on for three years.
About a year into the reading schedule I met a homeless man and I fed him. He asked me if I wanted to hear what he thought Jesus meant when he taught on earth. I was immediately interested. He commenced speaking and it was so rich and profound what he was saying that my mind could not handle anymore after a minute. I knew that if I let him keep on speaking that I had no hope of remembering anything and I was tempted to tell him to be quite so I could remember a paragraph of what he had said. You have to remember that I had been reading the Gospels for a year by then every day and it was subject I knew well, but still with all that reading what this man said was so profound that I had my head filled up to capacity within a minute. The man went on for ten minutes, every minute as profound as the first.
He went on later to do a few signs that were impossible to do and then at the end of the forty five minutes we spent together he disappeared into thin air. I had been in the presence of Jesus Christ in the flesh that day.
You can only come to know Jesus well when you know the Jesus of the Gospels and you can only know Him not through books on Him but through reading the Bible yourself and asking the Holy Spirit to teach you.
The whole Bible speaks of Jesus so it is important to know the whole Word and the promises of the Bible that speak to God's character, but it is imperative for intimacy with Jesus to know the Gospels.
Tip 3 - Humility
The Bible says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. The Bible says that we are to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand and in due time He will lift us up. These two verses teach us that humility is a key to a close relationship with Jesus. You simply can't be close to God and be proud. We are called to humble ourselves but God can and will humble us if He sees a purpose in our life where humility is needed.

Tip 4 - Prayer
I had a prophecy once by Jesus and it said in the future people will look at the size of my ministry and say that they want a ministry as big as that. Then they will hear that my ministry got so big due to two reasons. The trials of life and the time I spent in prayer. Then the prophecy said that when they hear that many of them will not be prepared to put in the work.
I talk to Jesus and the Father all the time. Well so regular that you would call me crazy if you could hear me speaking out loud as I walked down the street. You will never be close to Jesus if you don't talk to Him a lot and hear Him speak back. One easy way to get to know Him well is to ask Him questions about all sorts of things.
Prayer does not need to be formal. You simply need to chat to Jesus and let Him speak back to have a very good prayer life. Walking in the supernatural is just not possible without an active prayer life.
Tip 5 - Obedience

There exists a favorite chorus of mine that is really old. It says "Trust and obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, then to trust and obey."

 Trusting is having faith and obedience is doing everything that Jesus commanded us to do. Also obedience involves doing what the Holy Spirit tells you to do or what Jesus tells you to do. You cannot go a long way toward intimacy with Jesus if you have no idea what He taught and are not doing it.

We don't need to obey in a legalistic sort of way. We obey because that is what loving God and your neighbor really is, to obey the commands of Jesus. Jesus said in John 15 that we are His friends if we do what He commands us to do. Therefore if you are not doing what Jesus taught you may be saved but you are not on a friendship level.


In the New Testament we find Jesus calling His disciples to leave all and follow Him; they left their boats and nets and their beloved ones, to follow the Lord and serve Him. But long before that, at a time when there was no Bible, no church, no servants of God, no anointing of the Holy Spirit as an abiding experience, Abraham, responding to God’s call, left everything to follow the God of glory.

When God called Abraham out, there was no promise or plan for his return. He had to “burn the boat and the bridge behind” as he left his homeland. “And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned” (Heb 11:15).

“Get thee out…I will shew thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing” (Gen 12:1-2). “Get thee out” and then (a) I will show thee… (b) I will make of thee… thee (c) I will bless thee (d) I will make thy name great and (e) thou shalt be a blessing. How sad it is that many children of God, are losing manifold eternal blessings by compromising with the world!

Abraham obeyed and “got out”; and all along, his tent life showed that he was willing to move out any time the Lord told to him. How willing are we to obey the Lord and give up the things of the world to follow the Lord more closely?

           “Take take the world, I covet not its joys,

            Take, take the world with all its empty noise,

            Mine is a wealth no moth nor rust destroys,

            Fellow-heirs with Jesus for ever.”

 – Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Monday 25 March 2013

An Evening Digest - 10 Tips On How To Hear From God Today

Article written by Ngozi Nwoke

How do I hear from God? How do I ensure I don't follow the wrong voice? There are many voices out there seeking who to obey it. Therefore learning how to hear from God, thereby differentiating Him from others is very important for your Christian walk with the Lord. This article gives helpful tips on hearing from God.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me - John 10:27 (KJV)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and will show thee great things, and difficult, which thou knowest not - Jeremiah 33:3 (ASV)

Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel. And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones - Isaiah 30:29-30 (KJV)

God certainly speaks and He desires to talk to His children as a father would to his children. A walk with the Lord without knowing how to hear from God is like travelling to an unknown area without direction. Hearing from God makes your Christian walk easier, interesting and enjoyable. It guarantees peace, victory and success in life, etc in a short time.

Furthermore, being able to hear from God helps you to avoid the pitfalls of life. It protects you from deceit and dangers set by the enemy. The Christian faith is a struggle without the ability to hear from our father and maker.

Tips on how to hear from God

1. Become a child of God A child will always hear the voice of his father.

2. Give attention to His word God says nothing outside His word. Knowing His word enables you to know when He is speaking to you or not.

3. Be prayerful Prayer is a two-way communication with God. You will hear the Lord when you spend time praying to Him. Also prayer prepares your spirit to receive from God.

4. Believe and expect that He will speak to you Faith is like a magnet that draws God. So when you have faith that He will speak to you and when He does you will hear Him, then it will be so. The expectation of the just shall not be cut off.

5. Praise and worship God God inhabits the praises of His people. When He receives your praises you will hear His voice. It also prepares your spirit to receive from Him.

6. Practice obeying God's word when you are a doer of the Lord's word, you will know how to hear from God.

7. Be sensitive in the spirit God is a spirit and relates to us through our spirit. You will easily hear Him when your spirit is sensitive enough.

8. Exercise patience God is the Almighty. Nobody dictates to Him. Therefore when you are seeking to hear Him on any issue, don't be in a hurry. He will speak at His own time.

9. Obey the last instruction you heard from God  Normally, God will wait for you to obey the last instruction He gave you before speaking again.

10. Pray in the spirit This sensitizes your spirit to receive any word from God.

God is the Alpha and the Omega and He wants to direct you in all your ways. The above tips prepare your spirit to quickly receive from Him. 

Do these tips and you will learn how to hear from God and obey Him.

Article Source: 


“In Whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph 1:7).

One may forgive a person, but one cannot give him the riches of God’s grace along with it. Through the blood of Jesus Christ we get not only forgiveness of sins, but also riches of grace. Why is riches of grace given along with forgiveness of sins? Riches of grace is essential for one to overcome that particular sin and the effects of that sin.

For instance, a man may have a problem with anger. When he sincerely asks the Lord for forgiveness, through the blood of Christ, he receives not only forgiveness, but also riches of grace to overcome that anger. MANY MILLIONS OF WELL-MEANING CHRISTIANS ARE IGNORANT OF THIS POWER IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.

If your spiritual eyes are open to the glorious power in the blood of the Lamb, you will sincerely repent and ask forgiveness for all your sins. Then all of them will be forgiven, and along with that YOU WILL RECEIVE RICHES OF GRACE TO OVERCOME THOSE SINFUL NATURES, whatever they may be – pride, anger, envy, lust, greed, bitterness or unforgiving spirit; the riches of grace through the blood of Jesus will bestow humility, gentleness, charity, purity, generosity, forgiving love, etc, etc. If, for instance, you are a chain smoker and you repent with all sincerity, the blood of Christ will not only wash away your sin, but will also give you riches of grace to overcome it. You will start hating even the smell and taste of it, by the grace of God.

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Sunday 24 March 2013


“Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful Who had promised”  (Heb 11:11).

“Through faith Sarah received strength.” Faith helps us to receive strength both spiritually and physically. ‘Receive strength’ from where? From God. Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” In the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus surrendered Himself to do the will of God, an angel of God came to strengthen Him.

Sarah “received strength to conceive seed.”We get strength to be fruitful in our spiritual life. The greater the faith we receive, the more we will be fruitful to God. This seed is Christ. By faith, Christ or the character of Christ may be formed in our life. But this should be manifested to the world – so that others may be attracted to Christ.

“Was delivered of a child when she was past age.” You may think it is too late to repent and turn to God or that it is too late for God to give you grace. No, you are wrong. It is never too late for you to have the character of Christ formed in you and have it manifested to the world for the glory of God.

“She judged Him faithful Who had promised.” Although it appeared impossible when she looked at the state of her own body and at that of her husband, she decided God was faithful to fulfill what He had promised – and He sure was!

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Saturday 23 March 2013


“Unto Cain and to his offering He had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?”(Gen 4:5-7).

Cain’s ferocious face showed that he had not offered his sacrifice with a right spirit. It was not God Who was angry with Cain for not offering an acceptable offering, but Cain who was angry with God. It is the same with us. Very often we are annoyed because God has not answered our prayers or because He has delayed in answering them. We don’t examine ourselves to see whether we have prayed for the right thing or whether we have prayed in the right spirit.

“If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?” From this we understand that Cain had not done well, and was hence not accepted. Though Cain offered an unacceptable offering, and was angry with God and obviously with his brother as well, God still showed His love and affection for him as a father would, and was ready to forgive himand accept him if he repented and did right.

What a compassionate God we have! The psalmist says, “He is slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.” How anxious He is that we should realize our faults and repent and return to Him! How eager He is to accept us, to receive us!

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Friday 22 March 2013


Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, despised the Word of God and destroyed it in the presence of the officials of the palace (Jer 36:22-27). As a result, the Word of the Lord concerning Jehoiakim was, “He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost” (vs 30). “He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem” (Jer 22:19).

Dear reader, you may not throw the Bible into the fire like Jehoiakim. However, you may be neglecting reading it and meditating on it, thereby despising it. If we delight in God, as David did (Psa 37:4), we will delight in His Word too.

It appears as if the Lord gave Jehoiakim three years’ time to bring forth fruit unto God. History records that in the third year of Jehoiakim’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem (Dan 1:1,2). But it was only later that the Lord gave Jehoiakim into the hands of his enemies. He had not yielded fruit as expected of him by God. If we do not remain in God’s hand, we will fall into the hands of our enemies. May the Lord grant us the grace to meditate on the Word of God and not despise it or neglect it.

In contrast to Jehoiakim, Joshua was blessed because he meditated on the Word of God and observed to do all that is written therein (Josh 1:8). Indeed, we know how prosperous Joshua was. “Blessed is the man… his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law doth he meditate day and night, whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” (Psa 1:2,4).

Dear reader, would you be a Joshua or a Jehoiakim?

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Thursday 21 March 2013


“I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds which in time past was to thee unprofitable but now profitable to thee and to me” (Philem 10, 11).

St. Paul was a prisoner of Christ in Rome. Apparently, Onesimus, a slave of Philemon, had robbed his master and fled to Rome where he was caught and put in the same prison where Paul was imprisoned. By the ministry of Paul, Onesimus got saved. An illiterate slave and thief is adopted by St. Paul. “To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (I Cor 9:22).

Though Paul was in bonds, he brought freedom to others who were in bonds. Maybe you are not literally in bonds or in prison, but the very situation in your house, family or in your work place may appear to be keeping you in bonds. As in the case of Paul, God might have permitted your “bonds” to bring true freedom to many others. Do you remember what happened the time Paul was thrown into the Philippian jail? See Acts16: 22-33. Your “jailor” too can be saved!

The meaning of Onesimus is “profitable”. Once he was an unprofitable servant; now that he is saved, he becomes profitable to St. Paul and to his master. A saved person should be a blessing to the spiritual world and to the secular world.

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Wednesday 20 March 2013

An Evening Digest - Becoming a Really Good Listener

Article written by  Steve Wickham

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." ~Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

Another legend to have died at 27 years of age, Hendrix had the rare talent for communicating with the masses. And his legend endures. We can only wonder, though, four decades on, what was behind the mind of such a learned young man, as far as life experience was concerned. What was behind this five-worded quote?

These five words, in symphony, provide us a very profound and enduring wisdom. This is because no matter how good a listener we think we are, the reality is likely to be opposite.


As I reflect over my life there are many more examples of my failures to truly listen than my successes. That's got to be true of most people, surely. Failed relationships and conflict within the relationships that go on are evidence enough that more often than not I find myself listening to myself and not others.

Listening is a peculiar thing like that. We may think we are good listeners, but we may be better at listening to ourselves and our own inner worlds than we are at listening, truly, to others - their challenges, needs, frailties, and concerns.

Listening, from this viewpoint, is much more an internal motivation. Our God-anointed opportunity is to become more externally motivated - to develop a sincere hunger for understanding regarding the lives of others, their troubles, and listening not just to the words they say, but also to the words they don't say.

Listening, like humility, may be something we will always need to be mindful of; for the development. We have more problems with pride than with humility, just as we have more speaking problems than listening ones.

This subject is about honesty. How honest are we being when we think of ourselves as good listeners? If we were to be fair, in the sight of God, we would acknowledge how far we fall from God's ideal, so far as listening is concerned. The more honest we are, the more we will recognise our need of God in the precious moments of our relationships - with every 'neighbour' (every human being).

The more front-of-mind we make Hendrix's words the better it is for all we relate with; not least ourselves.

We could make a lifetime study of listening and still have much to learn. The better we listen the better we love. Our challenge is to listen to others, and not just to ourselves. Listening to other people has the blessings of wisdom written all over it.


 “Immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him (Peter)” (Matt 14.31).

Peter can now sing along with the Psalmist: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear…though the waters thereof roar and be troubled” (Psa 46:1-3).

Here the wonderful love of Jesus is manifested. It was not Peter who stretched forth his hands, but Jesus. It was not Peter who caught Jesus, but Jesus Who caught Peter. Dear child of God, this is exactly what Jesus has done for us. When we were drowning in the sea of sin, sickness and sufferings, Jesus approached us and stretched out His hands, and caught us.

After Jesus caught Peter, both of them started walking on the water – no more danger of drowning and no more fear! First Peter tried walking alone on the water and failed. Without the helping hand of Jesus holding us, we can never live above our trials and troubles. Now, with Jesus holding his hands, Peter is able to walk on the water triumphantly. What was the secret that kept Peter above the waters? The promise, “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27). Wouldn’t Peter have been thrilled to find the everlasting arms underneath his feet? When we believe that Jesus has caught our hand we will be walking over our trials and will never have the fear of drowning.

St. Paul said that he was pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God, to seize that for which he was seized.“Not as though I had already attained… but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:12, 13).  Dear reader, do you know WHY the Lord has caught you!
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Tuesday 19 March 2013

An Evening Digest - When God's All That Matters

Artical written by Steve Wickham

"What ultimately matters most is not what others say about your life, but what God says." ~Rick Warren

Discernment is about enjoying the knowledge, that, in trying to follow God's will for our lives, the ultimate blessing stands there for us, at the end.

We put so much stock in what others think, and, to some extent, it does matter. But we are far too much concerned with what others think, and we often push God to the background in order to please people.

Much of our mental health issues seem to be caused, almost centrally, from our relationships. It's not God that bends us out of shape; not truly.

If we really know God, we know grace, and we know grace never disappoints. Not that God gives us our own way all the time, or even much of the time, but the point is grace is not onerous; it has no unfair expectations; it is much more flexible than we feel is deserved.

Knowing grace means knowing that, when we please God, we achieve the goal and ends of life. Sure, we try and please people, too. But we are none too fussed if people prove hard to please, or even impossible to please. It's their problem, not ours.

Having faith in grace is simply taking God at God's Word - that he is with us, guiding us if our wills agree, giving us the courage to forge onward along the path of God's will for our lives.

God, through his grace, is always gentler on us than we are on our critical selves.

God, through his grace, is powerful in our lives when we consider his grace the truth that steers our ships through the channels of life.

Having faith in grace acknowledges the power of God to transform the pressures we place on ourselves to please people, from anxiety to acceptance; from preoccupation to a reasonable oblivion; from focusing on distractions to focusing on God.

When all is said and done, and we get closer by the day to that fact, God is all that counts. We may think that people count, but anyone the rallies against God doesn't.

Yes, this includes family.

God is not blessed when we put our families ahead of our allegiance to Christ. If this seems harsh we ought to study Matthew 19:29 and Mark 3:35. We ought to treat everyone with grace, but it doesn't mean we consent to them - regardless.

Time is definite in this clause: we have NOW to please God, but we must know that pleasing human beings, despite God, does not please God. It may be the most regrettable action we can take. What God thinks of us is what counts.

Knowing grace - giving it a definite role in our lives - helps us focus on the goodness of God and to steer clear of pleasing people for the sake of it.


“Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen” (Rev 22:20, 21).

This last benediction is not for all Christians, but only for those who believe the word, “Surely I come quickly,” and say, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” All those who believe the promise of His coming and say “Amen” to it, receive one of the most wonderful blessings – the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The grace mentioned in this last verse of the Bible, is only for those who believe His Coming and wait for it. There are many graces mentioned in the Word of God, such as, saving grace (Eph 2:7,8), etc. But the “grace” mentioned in here is the “grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet 1:13) – which can be called the grace that prepares us for the Coming of the Lord.

This grace does a marvelous work in our lives and gives us the blessed hope mentioned in I John 3:2,3: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. And every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.”

Dear child of God, do you want this grace that prepares us for His Coming? Every minute and every second, live in the readiness of His Coming. It is His grace that saved you, it is His grace that filled you with the Holy Spirit and kept you so far, and it is His grace that will keep you ready for the Rapture.

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come…Surely I come quickly” (Rev 22:17 & 20). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Monday 18 March 2013


The first question of the serpent that brought the first sin into the world was concerned with food. Often, our concern and care for material things hampers our spiritual welfare.

There was no reason for the woman to let the devil start this topic on food because God had provided them with food in abundance. Many people are worried about things for which God has already planned and provided. “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink … for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things” (Matt 6:25,32). The rich man in the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus fared sumptuously every day but he went to hell, and there he was starving without even a drop of water.

The first temptation of Jesus after His forty days of fasting was also concerning food. The devil said to Jesus, “If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread” (Matt 4:3). Jesus overcame the trial with the Word of God by saying, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Dear child of God, do not lust for any kind of food. Let not your belly become your God.
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Sunday 17 March 2013


“Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matt 18:6).

In this verse the Lord Jesus warns us that we may face terrible consequences if we offend or hurt others.

         Once a dear sister-in-Christ Mary, who served the Lord for a number of years, became sick and died. As the dear ones stood around and funeral arrangements were being made, Mary suddenly opened her eyes. Everyone was shocked.

          Mary started crying and told everyone that her soul had soared up and come right up to the pearly gate of New Jerusalem, but that an angel of God had told her that she was not allowed to go in. When she asked why, the angel said that a sister who had taken care of her when she was sick had been hurt by her words. Mary wept before the angel, pleading with him to let her in, for after all, it had been only one mistake. The angel said that he had strict instructions from the Lord not to let her in. Mary then asked to see Jesus. She wept bitterly before him and said, “My backbone is completely crushed. What is the use of my going back to the earth and remaining in bed?” Jesus then said, “You go back to earth and ask forgiveness from the sister you grieved, and you will be completely healed.”

             Mary is still alive today, testifying everywhere about the new life Jesus gave her.

           Dear child of God, hurting or offending others is a very serious sin which can block the way to heaven. Right now, kneel down and examine yourself and see whether you have offended anyone. If so, please ask pardon and get reconciled to that person so that heaven’s gates may be open to you.
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Saturday 16 March 2013


When a person receives the Holy Spirit, God takes control of the tongue first - “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues” (Acts 2:4). “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself” (1 Cor 14:4). This enlightens us to the fact that speaking in unknown tongues animates the speech center to instruct all the nerves in the right disposition.

Our tongue has an influence on our heart - “Of the abundance of the HEART, the mouth SPEAKETH” (Lk 6:45). “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his TONGUE, but deceiveth his own HEART, this man’s religion is in vain” (James 1:26). “Let the WORDS OF MY MOUTH and the meditation of my HEART be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord” (Psa 19:14).

The tongue and the ear are connected too - “The Lord God hath given me the TONGUE of the learned… the Lord God hath opened mine EAR” (Isa 50:4,5). Also, in Isaiah 6:5-8 we see that as soon as the prophet’s tongue was cleansed, he could hear the voice of God and his life was ready to obey the call of God. In other words, if you don’t hear God’s voice, it may mean that your tongue needs cleansing.

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Eph 4:29). “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt [not with hot chilli!], that ye may know how ye ought to answer ever man” (Col 4:6).
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Friday 15 March 2013

An Evening Digest - Overcoming Your Difficulties

Article written by -  Steve Wickham

You're in a crowded shopping center  trapped in a queue, and you're in a hurry. Or you're at work and are pressed by a particular problem you don't know how to fix or where to start. Or again, your partner vexes you with a conflict that you have no idea how to handle. You're befuddled and ready to give up. Life is definitely not fun at the moment. How do you go on and conquer this feeling, gaining victory over self?
Everyone without exception has difficulties. It would not be life without them. It seems that not only was life not meant to be easy, it was actually designed to test us out! So, how do we get over this wall ahead of us?

The Shaman warriors would suggest by jumping over the wall, not smashing through it. There is a similar philosophy in Christianity. It's called faith. Let us explore three very well linked Greek words that provide the key to overcoming your difficulties.

FIRST, there is the word thlipsis. This word means pressure. It also means affliction and distress of mind i.e. difficulty.

SECOND, there is the word tharseo. This word is in verb form meaning to be of good courage/cheer, to be confident and hopeful.

THIRD, there is the word nikao. This word is also in verb form and it means to conquer, or to overcome i.e. the difficulty.

The second word above is the key. The key idea is your attitude. It would be as simple as writing it in a mathematical way:

Difficulty + hopeful/courageous/positive attitude = victory (overcoming the difficulty)
Difficulty + poor/insufficient attitude = more difficulty.

The principle is very simple. Difficulties strike us very commonly. They happen daily, hourly, and minute by minute even. If you're aware of problems as they arise, you can apply faith, which is patient hope set in a bed of courage. It will surprise you how often you make your problems worse by simply not applying faith.

The frustrating thing is this. Even though the above principle is a simple one, it is hard to apply consistently, without faith that is. With faith, anything is possible. It's all a matter of choice and effort.


“Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, Who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory” (Col 3:3, 4).

Here, two experiences of a true Christian are stated : (i) his life is hid with Christ (ii) when Christ shall appear then shall you also appear with Him in glory. Unless we are now hid with Christ we cannot appear with Him in glory when He comes. People of God who now try to become famous and come to the limelight may have to hide themselves in shame at the glorious appearing of Christ.

Elijah was asked to hide himself before he was told to show himself. “Turn thee eastward and hide thyself” (I Kings 17:3). ‘East’ is the place of sunrise. A true child of God should learn to hide in the sunshine of God’s presence; then one day, just as the Lord told Elijah, He will say to you, “Go show thyself”(I Kings 18:1). When Elijah showed himself then, through him great things were done in the kingdom of Israel.

       It is surprising to see in David’s list of heroes, the name of a person of whom we do not read anywhere else, heading the list. “The Tachmonite… chief among the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite” (II Sam 23:8). He seems to have been a ‘hidden saint’.

Dear child of God, if you are longing for name and fame and the applause of the world, a day is going to come when your glory will turn to shame. However, if you learn to hide yourself humbly under the wings of the mercies of God, then will come the glorious day when you will appear with Christ in glory.
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

Thursday 14 March 2013

An Evening Digest - Good Thoughts

          You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. All people smile in the same language. Everyone needs to be loved, especially when they do not deserve it. The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity. Laughter is God's sunshine. 
          Everything has beauty; but not everyone sees it. Thank God for what you have, TRUST GOD for what you need. If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for. The choice you make today will usually affect tomorrow. Take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul. If anyone speaks badly of you, live so none will believe it. Patience is the ability to idle your motor, when you feel like stripping your gears.
           To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it. We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for. Love is the only thing that can be divided, without being diminished. Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others. You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven. Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are.

The best gifts to give:
To your friend, loyalty;
To your enemy, forgiveness;
To your boss, service;
To a child, a good example;
To your parents, gratitude and devotion;
To your mate, love and faithfulness;
To all men and women, charity;
and To God, your life.